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collage of fine art images from Carl Larsson in a puzzle

"Carl Larsson" & National Fine Art Appreciation Day

by guest blogger, Elmer Prather

This is the 48th Cobble Hill puzzle that Elmer Prather assembled and we're sharing his write up today for National Fine Art Appreciation Day! Please enjoy.
Below is a 1000 piece puzzle titled “Carl Larsson”. It is a puzzle displaying 40 of Carl Larsson's paintings. Carl Olof Larsson was a Sweetish painter who is known for his paintings of images during the Victorian era.

In the photo of the puzzle you will see a gentleman dressed in a black suit looking at a painting in what appears to be an art museum. It is the second picture from the bottom on the far right side. It is a self portrait of Carl Larsson painted in 1895.

Carl Larsson Cobble Hill puzzle assembled with collages of his paintings.


Carl Larsson married fellow artist Karin Bergoo and they had eight children. Karin was also an interior decorator and she painted many of the interior rooms displayed in the puzzle. The intricate details drawn in each room appear realistic. Larsson's family became his favorite models.

When I started putting this puzzle together I thought that I would be an interesting project. As I added puzzle pieces and the puzzle started to come alive, I was in awe and amazement of how beautiful the paintings in the puzzle were.

Many of the paintings in the puzzle have people, Larsson's family members, doing many different activities. Some of the portraits are of his family in outdoor scenes while others have an inside setting. You will be able to look at each of the 40 portraits and imagine the different stories Larsson was trying to tell in his paintings. Paintings, like photos, tell a story.

The colors used in each of the paintings and the detail used to make the scenes look alive is amazing. If you let your imagination run free as you look closely at each painting, you would be able to write a book about the lives of the individuals he posed for his paintings.

This was an interesting and personally rewarding puzzle for me to put together.

Elmer Prather
Canton, Georgia

box of Cobble Hill puzzle with Carl Larsson collage of his paintings.Carl Larsson 1000 Piece by Cobble Hill

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