Does Cobble Hill include reference posters?
For those who like immediate answers, yes, we include posters. We encourage you to read on for the details and the exceptions...
Cobble Hill was established in 2005 with a nostalgic look packaged in sturdy recyclable material so your puzzle could withstand being traded with friends or reshuffled on your stash shelf. The box design comprised of a light beige colour that framed the image on the front of the box.
Below is an example of our original box without a poster:
For 13 years, there was no reference poster. Puzzlers simply used the front of the box as their only reference guide. For the most part, this was a non-issue. However, our logo blocked a small portion of the image in the lower right hand corner and some puzzlers didn't like that. On the Easy Handling 275 piece puzzles, this was less of a big deal because the logo would only hide a few large pieces. However, on a 1000 piece puzzle, there could be several hidden pieces due to the logo placement.
So, after taking surveys and listening to our incoming comments, we believed adding a poster would be beneficial to many puzzlers out there. In 2018, we started including 9" x 12.45" (22.9cm x 31.6cm) linen print posters.
How do you know if you get a poster or not? Regardless of the box style or the placement of the logo, it will always say "Poster Included" below the logo if it's supposed to include one.
Pro tip! If you shop online and a poster is important to you, look for the website details for either "Item Code" or "Mfr Part Number" or "Part No." and it should start with an "8" or "4", not a "5". If it starts with a "5", then it is likely from our classic box.
Last point, please don't be fooled by our special boxes that do NOT have a specific border colour. We have designed some specialty puzzles with a different look, like those from the seven colour puzzles in the Rainbow Collection. But, again, if you do not see "Poster Included" you will not see a poster inside the box.
As well, for certain customers who want to save shelf space, we make "Modular" puzzles that are small and squareish in size. These do not include posters either. See below:
So, we hope that answers the question for those who wonder why their puzzle did not come with a poster. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line!
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