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Spring has Sprung By the Pond!

Spring has Sprung By the Pond!

by Elmer Prather, guest blogger

My latest puzzle is a 275-piece By The Pond by Joelle McIntyre. To spend time putting a puzzle together, I must have a connection to it. My connection to this puzzle is the landscaping in the yard of the house by the pond. When I first saw this puzzle, it reminded me of my interest in gardening. I thought that it would be a fun puzzle to put it together and hang on my wall and I was correct.

a garden scene near a pond
By the Pond  - Easy Handling 275 piece puzzle , assembled by Elmer Prather

The setting displayed in the puzzle picture is amazing. Once you see it, you will want to live by the pond shown in the puzzle picture. I could envision myself sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs watching the bunny hop across the lawn. Pictures tell a story and this puzzle picture shows its viewers what it would be like to live in the house by the pond.

The colors used all blend well. There is a reflection on the pond surface of the large two-story yellow house across the pond. The homeowner is into landscaping because the yard is full of diverse types of plants and flowers and the scene is set in the Spring of the year because the flowers are in full bloom and the grass is green. I would expect that one of the homeowners is a Master Gardener because of the diverse flowers and plants included in the landscape. It appears that the homeowner is also interested in birds since there is a water fountain with a cardinal drinking from it and four bird houses on the property inviting birds to make nests in them.

The scene in the puzzle picture is one of leisure and enjoying the views. Two of the views shown in the puzzle picture are of two swans swimming on the pond and a young boy sailing his small sailboat across the pond.

Who would not enjoy living in this beautiful home by the pond.

Box of By the Pond Easy Handling puzzle of garden sceneBy the Pond - Easy Handling 275 Piece Puzzle by artist Joelle McIntyre

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